Okay, I realize that I have basically disappeared for a few months, so I am going to try and make this entry worth it...at least for my female fans. In between working two jobs over the past month, I have managed to read the entire 50 Shades Trilogy by E.L. James. So yes, this will be another blog about the 50 Shades "revolution."
As a student extremely interested in sexual health and a future sexual health educator, I thought it would be a good idea to read the books and see what all the hype was about. I had about an even amount of friends telling me how wonderful they were as to friends telling me how horrible they were. I decided to see for myself and bought the first book.
Initially, I was very disappointed. The first sexual encounter didn't even come until about page 110! That was way too long for me when all I heard about the book was how much sex was in it! And in the beginning, I agreed with most critics who complained of the writing. Yeah, it's really not that great. But did we go see 'Magic Mike' to appreciate the depth and complexity of the screenplay? NO!
Well, anyone who has read the first book knows that it ends in such a state of depression that I had to ride my bike to 3 different grocery stores (no bookstores in my area) to try and find a copy of the second one so I could have resolution enough to sleep that night. I can't tell you how many places I have found where the books have sold out! It's incredible!
Around the time that I was finishing book 3, I saw a commercial with William Levy (you may remember his beautiful face from Dancing With The Stars) and I had to do a double take as it hit me like a thousand bricks: William Levy is aesthetically my interpretation of Christian Grey. And apparently, I am not the only one who things so...
Okay, I know it is pretty much impossible that he gets chosen for the role, but he is just so strikingly pretty. He is prettier than most girls I know, and he does have that intensity I imagined reading about Christian. Check him out all suited up on DWTS and tell me you don't see it...
So this brought me to a bunch of other related videos of more fans producing "movie trailers" with who they feel should play Christian and Ana. I am not generally a big supporter of this kind of work and I think some of it is just way too cheesy, but a few of them were actually not too shabby. It also made me consider Matt Bomer as a serious contender. What about Alexis Bledel as Ana? Tell me what you think...
(For whatever reason, I cannot imbed this one, so here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_710687&feature=iv&list=HL1339615759&src_vid=hGYLBXM1974&v=C706KUh32D4)
One final contender who appears pretty convincing is also Henry Cavill (most notable from 'Immortals' and the soon-to-be Superman). Him being the new Superman, I definitely approve. As a teenager, I was completely obsessed with all things Superman and even though my room may not look like an 8 year old boy's anymore, I still have a special place in my heart for him after all these years. I'd be down to see Superman and Christian Grey played by the same person. SO DOWN. Here's another 'trailer' with Henry Cavill...
So, even though these are simply fan videos, what do you think? Like them? Hate them? What are your thoughts? And since there officially is a movie in the works, do you think it will live up to expectations? I'd love to hear your thoughts as I am now 50 Shades Obsessed!