Thursday, April 28, 2016

Here's the Deal: Tray 4 Update (Invisalign)

Hey there! I'm back with an update - I've switched to tray 4! I'm only on day 1 but I've already seen such a difference!

I went in for my monthly check up yesterday and my dentist noticed that my teeth haven't been moving as much (tray 4 fit very tight). I've definitely started to become more lazy in my "22 hours a day" adoption. Over the past 2-3 weeks I've received a lot of criticism for being an "Invisalign Nazi" (meaning that I need to tone it down and not be so strict about my routine). Well look where that got me now! *sigh*

I waited to put tray 4 in again until just before bedtime last night. I already felt the tightness and pressure just 15 minutes in. I REALLY feel it in my upper front teeth and the aligners have little bumps on my 2 front teeth that weren't on the other trays. I think my upper teeth are going to start being pulled to the front (outside of my mouth). I can barely close my mouth all the way with the aligners in. Starting my bucktoothed part of my journey....

Anyway, I am stocking up on ibuprofen today and going to try and be better about this darn 22 hours a day rule - especially for the first 48-72 hours of a new tray. My dentist also told me to use my electric toothbrush on my aligners at night before bed to help them "vibrate" into place. I tried it last night and it was a super weird an uncomfortable feeling. She said it is the cheap version of  "Acceledent." Wish me luck (before and afters are below)!

April 27th, 2016

Last Update


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Here's the Deal: Tray 3 Update (Invisalign)

Hi everyone! Just checking in for a quick update. Last night, I switched to tray 3 of my Invisalign treatment. It's definitely tight and I'm really feeling the pressure in my lower front teeth and canines. I can see a difference too! Small and probably only to me, but I really see and feel it in my front bottom teeth. Those 2 are almost totally straight!

Not much else to report on. Everything is status quo. Posting photos below (excuse the chapped/patchy lip - Invisalign causes the worse chapped lips!). Will check in again later - thanks for reading! 

Honey Lea

Just before Tray 3 (April 13th, 2016)

Normal smile vs. open smile (still have a gap in my lower front teeth!)

Side angle - I need to start including this more. You can really see my edge-to-edge problem here. My upper front teeth are SO vertical!

Last update (for comparison)

Pre-Invisalign (for comparison)

Monday, April 4, 2016

Here's the Deal: Tray 2 Update (Invisalign)

Hi friends!

I'm about 5 days into my second tray and I've noticed some changes that I'd like to share (pictures included below for reference). 

I realized that I wasn't taking an "open bite" picture and so my lower "snaggly" tooth is hidden and you can't really see the progress, so I am throwing one in today. You can really see how jagged my upper front teeth are when I do that. They've been chipped and thinned from my lowers, particularly so in the past 5 years. Additionally, the teeth on the other side have widened and straightened out ever so slightly and now you can see little gaps in between my teeth (dark spots between my gums and teeth on the lowers)! This is super weird because my contacts have always been really tight (flossing was always such a workout!). I don't know if this is from the IPR, my teeth moving, or my constant flossing. Aesthetically, I don't like the way it looks, but I feel like it's a visual reminder that my teeth continue to move - so yay!

I have yet to notice changes with my upper teeth. The aligners feel tight and restricting on my front teeth but otherwise no changes. Really looking forward to my next set of trays already! 

Tray 2 (April 4th, 2016)


Tray 1

Honey Lea