Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Here's the Deal: Invisalign Update - Trays 13 & 14

Hi folks! Hope you have all been well in the final days of summer. Autumn is just around the corner!

It's been a while since I updated and that's mostly because I took an extended vacation at the end of August (as I mentioned in my previous post). My husband and I spent about 10 days traveling the interior of Alaska, mostly in a rental RV so life was very different for a while! This also meant that I had to wear tray 12 for 3 weeks instead of 2. Initially, I was super bummed out about it, but because we were always running around and road tripping, it actually worked out pretty well. I was a lot more lenient with the wear time of my aligners but because I wore them an extra week, it didn't prevent too much movement of my teeth. I also didn't have sore teeth on vacation so that felt nice! 

Side note: Alaska is one of the most amazing places I have ever been to. It's so VAST and expansive. It feels like magic radiates from the ground. I have been in a weird depressed funk since we returned home a couple weeks ago. I never felt such a strong pull to go back to a place I've vacationed, even Hawaii! And I live in Santa Barbara, which a lot of people consider "paradise." Isn't it interesting how people always think the grass is greener on the other side? (Though, let's admit, Alaska is A LOT greener than California right now - #droughtlife!) 

I received tray 13 the day after I got back from vacation and had minimal IPR done. The tray was snug but not as tight as the one before. My teeth were still sore for about 4-5 days. I forgot to take a picture for that since I had my trays put in during the day (oops!). Last night, I put in tray 14 and I'm definitely feeling that motion today. Better whip out that ibuprofen!

My molars are still not touching in the back and it's become super frustrating. Chewing is actually harder because there are certain things that I can't grind down like I used to. Things like shredded carrots, green beans, and other skinny items aren't thick enough to be ground up but are too solid to swallow. So I'm a lot more picky about what I eat and as of late, it hasn't been a whole lot of healthy stuff. Generally, junk food is easier for me to chew so that's what I've been going with. Not super proud of it but what are you gonna do? Not eat?! [GASP]

As I've mentioned before, the yellowing is OUT OF CONTROL. But I can't be bothered to brush after lunch or when I eat out. Sometimes I barely have time to swish my mouth with water. So let's just pray the whitening treatment following my last tray will bring me a miracle! [insert praying emoji hands here]

Also, I'm able to feel the backside of my upper snaggly tooth almost entirely with my tongue. This provides a weird sensation because I'm not used to it. At first caress, I thought I had something stuck in my teeth so I was picking at it for a while before realizing "Hey, dumb dumb, that's your own tooth!" My teeth are looking exceptionally straight and my overbite is coming in stronger little by little. Check out pictures below!

September 20th, 2016

The photo below is deceiving because it looks like my molars are in fact touching, but they aren't! The space between them is small, but the angle that I took this picture is from above so you can't really see the space left in between. My guess is that the space is roughly 2-3cm. 

As always, thanks for reading. See you next time!

Honey Lea

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Here's the Deal: Invisalign Update - Trays 11 & 12

My life has seriously been turned upside down. So much is going on personally and professionally - please excuse my delay in updates about tray 11!

I went in for my check up yesterday and to pick up my next series of trays. I needed a lot of IPR. At least 7 spaces in between my front bottom teeth were filed and 2 spaces on my top teeth. I don't remember my first IPR being that bad. It was painful at one point because the contacts have gotten so tight. My right lower front tooth is now quite smaller than the left one and that sort of bothers me. I wish they were worn down a little more evenly. 

After my IPR, it was time to put in tray 12. My top tray when in smoothly but my bottom tray caused my teeth to IMMEDIATELY radiate in pain. It has been BY FAR the most painful tray I have had (yes, even worse than the first tray). My dentist warned me that this one would be tough and because my next tray needs IPR as well, she didn't send me home with other trays. Because I will be on vacation in 2 weeks, I have to wear this tray for 3 weeks before getting tray 13. I'm bummed about that, but I think it'll be okay. Hopefully it'll give my mouth a chance to heal and I can be a little more lenient with leaving my trays out for longer periods while vacationing. There's a bright side after all...

If there's one weird thing I've noticed is that my molars don't touch when I close my mouth all the way with my aligners out. I try to make them touch but they don't. Not sure if that's from muscle memory (i.e. jaw muscle anticipating the trays) or if it's because of the way my teeth are placed. Just feels super weird. 

Posting pictures below of my last update and yesterday's update. Because I had IPR, I started wearing my new trays right away instead of at bedtime like I normally do so that's the reasoning for the lighting difference (daytime vs. nighttime). 

August 3rd, 2016

Look at that overlap!!! 

August 17th, 2016

 After IPR - now you can see more gaps in my lowers. Also see how the teeth are different sizes (one much smaller in the front) I mentioned above? But at least that lower snaggly tooth is pulling forward!

 Top snaggly tooth has been noticeably tamed these past few weeks!

 UGH - this yellowing/staining is getting OUT OF CONTROL. I don't even drink that many colored beverages!!! *sobs*

...okay I am being dramatic. But seriously, this is embarrassing. 

As always, thanks for reading!

Honey Lea 

Friday, July 29, 2016

Here's the Deal: Invisalign Update - Tray 10

Lots of crazy stuff happening the past couple weeks. Only posting photos because that's all I have time for and I don't want to get behind in my posts. Tray 11 goes in on August 3rd! 

July 20th, 2016

If you look closely at the photo below, you can see what appears to be a black crack on my lower incisor. This is actually staining buildup around the glue that binds the attachment to my tooth. I have them on both bottom incisors and it is driving me CRAZY!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Here's the Deal: Invisalign Update - Tray 9

Hi everyone - I am here checking in once again on my invisalign trays. I am now 1 week into Tray 9 which is very exciting. Only one more tray and I hit double digits! I believe I am now closer to finishing my treatment then to starting my treatment. I feel SO impatient - I just want it to be over now!

I saw my dentist last week and she told me a couple pieces of VERY good news: 1) I have 17 trays (not 20, like I originally thought). This is because she pads in an extra 3 trays in case I need any revisions, which brings me to my next point 2) My dentist said that it is very likely that I will not need ANY revisions! She said that I am progressing exactly how I should. I haven't had to wear trays for extra time and my teeth are moving well. She also gave me my next 3 trays! GO ME!

One thing that is really bothering me, however, is the staining and yellowing of my teeth. It is getting out of control! The rings are become much more prominent and I have just now noticed that the inside of my teeth have a thin, dark line along the gum portion of the tooth in the exact same shape as my trays. I mentioned this to my dentist and she said that part of my treatment plan is to receive professional whitening once I get my attachments off. I literally cannot WAIT for that to happen. I'd post a picture, but I am far too embarrassed of the situation. *cringe*

Thinking about it now, I wonder if the staining is due to the fact that I don't brush my teeth each time after I eat? I only floss and mouthwash, though sometimes I run out of mouthwash and just have to use water. Perhaps that's contributing to my staining?

Anyway, I am noticing lots of improvement this week in the movement of my teeth. These trays fit me pretty well right off the bat and didn't cause too much aching. A couple teeth on the bottom were sore because they are moving to the side. The gap I had is now closing up and isn't as obvious. I think they are making room for that lower snaggly tooth to be brought forward. The only thing that kicks me right in the OCD part of my brain is that the mid-line of my top and bottom teeth are not going to be centered above one another. It wasn't truly centered before but now it'll be much more dramatic. My natural smile doesn't show my bottom teeth so I'm not SUPER disappointed, just a little annoyed. 

Okay, enough blabbing - updated pictures are below.

July 6th, 2016
Look at that over-jet!
Moving that snaggly tooth forward!

Staining. :( 

Honey Lea

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Here's the Deal: Invisalign Update - Tray 8

Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay here - I am posting about a week later than I wanted to but life got in the way! I switched to tray 8 a week ago and, thank heavens, this tray wasn't nearly as bad as the tray before! A little pressure, as per usual, but no pain! I'm also seeing HUGE differences in my teeth, especially when comparing to my 'before' photo. It's amazing! By half way (tray 10) they should look pretty much straight with only minor adjustments thereafter. That means I am only 2 trays away from that! YAY!

This is also the longest I have gone between trays without seeing my dentist. She usually gives me 2 trays each visit and this time I got 3. I think that means she's confident in my self-discipline? It's nice not to have to visit as often though. My next appointment with her is in a week and I'll be getting tray 9 and hopefully tray 10 (double digits!). 

One not so good thing I have noticed is that I am getting pretty severe staining along the bottom of my teeth. I have golden 'C' shaped rings along the gum-portion of the tooth. This follows the pattern of my invisalign trays. NOT HAPPY. My teeth have definitely gotten more yellow over the course of this treatment and I think part of the reason is that I am not allowed to use whitening toothpaste. This is because they don't want to leave a stencil where your attachments are, so I have to wait to do all my whitening after I get my attachments off. I think I get them off around tray 17, so I have to wait about 4 1/2 more months. :( I'll post a photo below so you can see what I am talking about. I only drink 1 mug of coffee in the morning and sometime ice tea with lunch. I'm really cutting back on my colored beverages so not sure why my staining is so bad. I am really bummed out by it!

No other news to report. I'll post updated photos below along with a comparison with my 'before' teeth. I am looking forward to a nice 3-day weekend celebrating this beautiful country I live in! What are your plans?

June 22, 2016
Look at that overjet coming in!!!

You can really see movement of that bottom snaggly tooth!

Upper front teeth moving more outward.

 The 'C' shaped stains along the gum portion of my teeth - UGHHHHH!!!!

Here's the comparison from Pre-Invisalign and after finishing tray 7 (of 20). Looking pretty good!

Thanks for reading!
Honey Lea 

Friday, June 10, 2016

Here's the Deal: Invisalign Update - Tray 7

Hey there! Here we are again with another tray update for you. I'm on day 2 of tray 7, which has been by far the most painful tray since my first. I've got sores on my tongue AGAIN and my front teeth (top AND bottom) hurt so bad that I can't focus. The discomfort hasn't been so bad the last few trays but this one has me feeling little nuggets of regret just to escape the pain!

However, I have noticed a difference already! My lower snaggly tooth is really being pulled forward with this tray and you can already see it. My upper snaggly tooth is being brought down and I can see a little change, though I do feel it more than I see it on that tooth. Still got a sliver of a gap between my 1 upper front teeth. But I am noticing more of an overjet which is pretty exciting!

Generally, I've been getting lazier and lazier about the 22 hours/day rule. I am hitting closer to 20 hours a day as I've been eating more frequently and not being as diligent about putting my trays in after meals. This is probably why my teeth hurt so bad this tray - it's my own damn fault! 

June 8th, 2016
Look at those bottom teeth lining up! 

 Upper teeth getting pulled more forward.

Until next time!
Honey Lea

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Here's the Deal: Invisalign Update - Tray 6

Hi everyone! Honey here with my next update. Last night, I switched over to tray 6 and I am really noticing changes this time around. My upper teeth are definitely overlapping my lower teeth way more then they ever have and it feels AMAZING when I bite down without my aligners! Also, my lower snaggly tooth is lining up so much! I really see the difference and my dentist has noticed it as well! Overall - things are still status quo. I'm still using my electric toothbrush for the first few days when I put in a new tray and it helps the teeth "wiggle" into place a little better. My teeth are pretty sore today though. Really feeling it in my upper snaggly tooth. 

Not much else to report on. Pictures below.

May 25th, 2016

Thanks for reading!

Honey Lea