Thursday, August 18, 2016

Here's the Deal: Invisalign Update - Trays 11 & 12

My life has seriously been turned upside down. So much is going on personally and professionally - please excuse my delay in updates about tray 11!

I went in for my check up yesterday and to pick up my next series of trays. I needed a lot of IPR. At least 7 spaces in between my front bottom teeth were filed and 2 spaces on my top teeth. I don't remember my first IPR being that bad. It was painful at one point because the contacts have gotten so tight. My right lower front tooth is now quite smaller than the left one and that sort of bothers me. I wish they were worn down a little more evenly. 

After my IPR, it was time to put in tray 12. My top tray when in smoothly but my bottom tray caused my teeth to IMMEDIATELY radiate in pain. It has been BY FAR the most painful tray I have had (yes, even worse than the first tray). My dentist warned me that this one would be tough and because my next tray needs IPR as well, she didn't send me home with other trays. Because I will be on vacation in 2 weeks, I have to wear this tray for 3 weeks before getting tray 13. I'm bummed about that, but I think it'll be okay. Hopefully it'll give my mouth a chance to heal and I can be a little more lenient with leaving my trays out for longer periods while vacationing. There's a bright side after all...

If there's one weird thing I've noticed is that my molars don't touch when I close my mouth all the way with my aligners out. I try to make them touch but they don't. Not sure if that's from muscle memory (i.e. jaw muscle anticipating the trays) or if it's because of the way my teeth are placed. Just feels super weird. 

Posting pictures below of my last update and yesterday's update. Because I had IPR, I started wearing my new trays right away instead of at bedtime like I normally do so that's the reasoning for the lighting difference (daytime vs. nighttime). 

August 3rd, 2016

Look at that overlap!!! 

August 17th, 2016

 After IPR - now you can see more gaps in my lowers. Also see how the teeth are different sizes (one much smaller in the front) I mentioned above? But at least that lower snaggly tooth is pulling forward!

 Top snaggly tooth has been noticeably tamed these past few weeks!

 UGH - this yellowing/staining is getting OUT OF CONTROL. I don't even drink that many colored beverages!!! *sobs*

...okay I am being dramatic. But seriously, this is embarrassing. 

As always, thanks for reading!

Honey Lea 


  1. I was thinking about getting Invisalign. What's interesting about this post is that I didn't realize that trays were involved. I would still like to improve my smile and I will be giving Invisalign some serious thought. I guess I would have to mentally prepare myself for the pain. I do appreciate your honesty a great deal. Thanks for the information.

  2. I was told that I need braces as an adult to get rid of my overbite. I was not sure about these trays because they seem so simple, how could they possibly work? Once I read all the rave reviews and saw all the before after pictures, I was sold. I have had mine for 6 months and see a huge difference.
